Manual of good practices in the office
At XGL we are doing our best to meet one of our main sustainable development goals: the protection of the environment. This is the best practice manual that guides our team to contribute their bit individually.We would love to hear your suggestions!
Your day to day
- Keep your work area in proper order and cleanliness.
- Make good use of office supplies. Adjust to the real needs to acquire it.
- Replace single-use batteries with rechargeable batteries.
- Separate the waste in the dedicated containers and don’t mix them!
- Turn off office equipment at: mealtimes, meetings, end of working day, absences, weekends, etc.
- Print in black and white or with economic printing.
- Propose measures to improve this good practice guide.

Water consumption
- Prevent water leaks and warn the maintenance service if you discover a breakdown.
- Use water with respect. Close the taps well after use and do not let the water run uselessly.
- The toilet is not a trash can, don’t use it as such!

Paper consumption
- Encourage the use of email for internal and external communications.
- Avoid printing documents with errors. Check them through print preview or spell checker.
- Use recycled paper, reuse paper and blank faces for phases, dirty sheets, print, etc.
- Print using the “two pages” option per sheet.
- Photocopy and print double-sided.
- Separate the paper from the rest of the trash and recycle it.

Energy consumption
- Illuminate only the necessary areas.
- Take advantage, whenever possible, of the natural regulation of light and temperature.
- Turn off heating and air conditioning systems in unoccupied rooms.
- Maintain temperature at approximately 20ºC in winter and 24ºC in summer.
- Make sure doors and windows are closed while using air conditioning systems.
- If you are the last to leave, turn off the lights and air conditioning equipment.